Briggs Street between Wells and Moffatt – Downtown Erie
(MAP) www.realfarmersmarketco.com
Thursdays ~ 5pm – 8pm ~ May 17 – Sept 20, 2018
kellyenterprisesltd@gmail.com / 303-902-2451
Briggs Street closes at 3pm. Please see me upon arrival for booth location. Please be set up no later than 4:30pm. You can start selling as soon as you are set up. You can drive you vehicle in to unload your products. Please unload, repark and then set up your booth. If you are not a farm or ranch, please do not park within the barricaded areas – NO EXCEPTIONS. I can direct you to parking areas. DO NOT PARK AT THE POST OFFICE. You may bring your vehicle in for tear down if there are not customers in the market areas. You can continue to sell past 5pm if you have customers.
Please contact me with questions.
Thank you !